Travels with MaryE

Most things I love best are about good light and good timing. That's where the adventures start. Don't be in no hurry here. Here you'll find a little bit about bluegrass music, fox hunting, life on the road, time on the mountain, and a whole lot about other things, too.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Ralph's Rock!

Ralph's Rock >>

Awhile back I was telling y'all about Ralph's rock and I suppose you thought it was just another tale but as you will see I finally managed to master technology, at least this once, and get blogger to upload this brilliant photo (can you hear the sarcasm?)

Seriously, though, this particular rock made quite an impression on me. I saw Ralph at Bean Blossom and asked him about the rock; he didn't know where it had gone. Can you imagine someone taking Ralph's rock? No true bluegrasser would do such a thing!

That elegant stone held down plenty of $20's the day I made this photo. And I got to sit and listen to Ralph for a long, long time. He was eating fried onion rings and grinnin' like a possum at some prank he'd pulled on someone. That's Ralph.

Rock on, Ralph.


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