Travels with MaryE

Most things I love best are about good light and good timing. That's where the adventures start. Don't be in no hurry here. Here you'll find a little bit about bluegrass music, fox hunting, life on the road, time on the mountain, and a whole lot about other things, too.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Truth About Hound Exercise

The truth about hound exercise is that in general hounds are much more favorably disposed to exercise - and to great extremes - than are most humans. Now I'm no statistician, but the proof lies in my photographs, taken in the past few days while turning left or right or driving down some local lane. See for yourself.

Now I know good and well that it would benefit me to get out and run up and down the roads just like this pack of hounds every now and then but I always seem to find some sorry excuse - it's too rainy or too muddy or too cold or something. These guys surprised me as I came around a bend in the road. Out for a lovely romp it would seem.

While hounds are known to be fleet of foot I've had a few confide that they vastly prefer to stay fit by performing multiple sets of pullups. Here in the countryside the metal farm gates provide the perfect fitness tool for your average hound. This one was even painted an appealing shade of green. While it may appear that some of this merry crew are struggling a bit, in fact they're just mugging for the camera (hounds are the biggest hams!) As you may note, some are known for their exhibitionistic tendencies as well. The bitches are particularly immodest.

Sadly the above hounds are not as fond of bathing as they might be given that they like to appear in public on a regular basis.

Since I've had so many opportunities to catch hounds out staying heart-healthy and physically fit I'll be sure to share a few more photos with you in another blog. Stay tuned!


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