Travels with MaryE

Most things I love best are about good light and good timing. That's where the adventures start. Don't be in no hurry here. Here you'll find a little bit about bluegrass music, fox hunting, life on the road, time on the mountain, and a whole lot about other things, too.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


You guessed it. After paying my insurance premiums faithfully for the last 24 years (since my last incident) I'm finally going to make a claim against all those payments. Too bad I recently upped the deductible to $ I made my way through the mountains of North Carolina toward Mouth of Wilson Virginia I came around a curve in the near-darkness and slammed into a deer. My truck doesn't look too good (too was six years old but it looked pretty new up till that moment). I couldn't find the deer later on but I imagine it wasn't feeling too good, either. Me? I escaped unscathed and the next morning a guy named Homer who has the body shop on Lovers Lane (I kid you not) in Wytheville Virginia managed to pry the fender away from the tire and used some plastic ties to hold my headlight in place and I was good to drive the 700+ miles back to the Catskills.

So here I am wondering how I'm going to manage to get to all these festivals with my "home" (my truck) in the shop! But never mind....I am most grateful that the damage wasn't any worse than it was. I'll get there somehow.

Now I need to grab some sleep and make arrangements with a local body shop in the morning. Oh...and get my stuff together to head out to Pickin' in the Pasture in Lodi, New York on Thursday. Some of my favorites will be there...David Davis and his fine band and Danny Paisley and all those Southern Grassers and...well, just check out the website. I think Andy ought to get some of them Paisleys to do the sheep shearing demonstration this year....

Next week...Thomas Point Beach, Maine -- my favorite bluegrass festival of all!