Travels with MaryE

Most things I love best are about good light and good timing. That's where the adventures start. Don't be in no hurry here. Here you'll find a little bit about bluegrass music, fox hunting, life on the road, time on the mountain, and a whole lot about other things, too.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Adirondack Life

I've just returned from another great time at my friends' camp at Raquette Lake in the Adirondacks. They've created a kind of community there, a sort of ever-changing group of people, kind of like that Love Boat, well, not really, but each day new folks arrive and some you've been enjoying visiting with have to leave for some other place. So there are always exciting people to meet and others you already know who you have occasion to become closer to. Though there is a staff it seems to evolve or revolve as well, so the chief cook one week goes off and a different cook steps in to keep things running seamlessly. Many of the guests step in, too, whipping up favorite dishes -- or helping to wash a few here and there.

The weather has shifted in the mountains as the evenings (and sometimes the days as well) have grown cool, even cold, and the leaves long ago began to turn to red and gold and orange. There's still plenty of green left, but woodland walks around Raquette Lake were full of splashes of color to my great delight.

I no sooner arrived at this friendly paradise than I came down with a ferocious cold but thanks to nursing by Lisa and others I am well on the mend (thanks Lisa). Maybe the chicken soup she made helped - or even the onion soup I made. Times in the camp kitchen are times well spent! I enjoyed long visits with Lisa and Jocelyn and whoever else happened to pass by. Jocelyn is on her way to Antarctica next!

We had an evening in the game room that kicked off with a meal of hotdogs, hamburgers and a few other items; dessert was s'mores made by Chip and Braidy - they were PERFECT and yummy too. Nearby Jocelyn was involved in a cutthroat game of pingpong and Chip and Pete were filling the air with music.

Would you believe that this place is so together that they even have a collection of square dance dresses in a back room, among other costumes. Pretty incredible, no?

While I never got around to taking that canoe ride with Jocelyn I sure did have fun accompanying her on a walk to the 24 or was it 28 numbered points on the nature trail there at camp. We made some cool discoveries.

The mice have just about overrun the place, so much so that last night as I lay in my cozy bed with about 5 blankets piled on top of me and the sweetest pillows ever under my head, I opened my eyes one last time....and saw a mouse race past about an inch from my eyes. Forgive me but I made a less than charitable exclamation. Hope my hosts didn't hear me.

Anyway I'll write more when I've had some rest. Adirondack Life, just what it sounds like (and a great magazine).....saw only 3 deer on my 180 mile drive home today -- and they were all together safely off the road.

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